
Dear Blog reader, up until this point on my post I have been acting as if this blog was just pure inspirational ramblings. I guess so is as good as any time to tell you the creation of this blog page is due a class assignment. (Surprising? I’m aware, but dear reader, odds are you are in my class and understand.) My deepest apologies for misleading you to believe these posts were pure inspiration.

Back to the Blog:

Today I watched my first episode of True Blood! And, minus the many sexy scenes, it was very entertaining (I am sure the sex scenes are entertaining to some though).

One of the Hottest Casts on TV



At first I felt that the southern accents took away from the action on-screen, but as the episode progress the southern accents grew on me — potentially because the concept fit so well in the southern Louisiana setting. Besides, I could never see it taking place some like the middle of Illinois.

The South is known for its conservative ways, its Hail Mary churches, and its southern gentlemen — making it the perfect place for a vampire love story, or what ever the plot of  True Blood is. (I have only seen one episode,remember?) Because, well, when it comes to vampires who could resist a sweet southern accent, a nice chiseled physique, and eighteenth century etiquette. I mean, I would so date a vampire is he called me miss, walked me to my front door, and asked me “When may I call on you?” Like, how charming is that? Chivalry in this day and age is dead, and any woman who happen upon it better snatch it up before the sun comes up. …Sorry for the vampire joke…

Louisiana Its hot. Its steamy. Its sticky and sweaty. Charge it with lust filled vampires — who would not want to take their clothes off? There is something monstrous about losing control of one’s sexual urge. To not be able to control the most priminal urges — it is a scary thought.

True Blood

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One thought on “True Blood

  1. I’m also new to True Blood (and the whole vampire scene in general), and I definitely agree that Louisiana is the perfect setting for this kind of show. The southern dialogue was a little much to handle at first, but by the end of the episode I could appreciate what it added to the conversations between characters. I can honestly say that my favorite thing about this episode was the way the people say “Sookie” because I find it hilarious. I also appreciate the fact that this particular vampire story takes place in the South because it seems less cliché than all the other vampire stories. The scenes take place in the local bars and at people’s houses instead of fancy restaurants with airbrushed actors. I think this aspect gives the show a “real life” feeling that similar shows and television series lack.

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